TEPRI convenes the Energy Opportunities Coalition (EOC) as one way to collaborate across sectors to achieve TEPRI’s mission of advancing equitable energy solutions for affordable, reliable, and clean energy to underserved communities so all people can thrive.
The EOC Cohort 2 met eleven times from March through September 2022. Cohort 2’s work was divided into two phases. In Phase 1 from March through May, the group focused on building relationships and generating shared definitions and knowledge around energy equity concepts. In Phase 2 from June through September, the EOC transitioned to brainstorming a project to pursue together to meet the group’s shared goal of supporting an equitable energy transition with low-income households in Texas.
This report summarizes the EOC Cohort 2’s approach and insights and presents a proposed project to meet EOC members’ shared goal of advancing energy equity with low-income Texans.