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We are thrilled to launch the Energy Poverty Clearinghouse, a new research tool for topics surrounding energy and poverty. Developed in partnership with The University of Texas at Austin with the generous support of the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), the Energy Poverty Clearinghouse is a portal that holds over 500 resources devoted to these topics.
The resources contain material covering the trending issues, technologies, and services that are relevant to energy poverty and low-income energy burdens in America. They span multiple formats including publications, journal articles, white papers, reports, and more. Each resource has been reviewed by our team at TEPRI to ensure relevance and credibility. Users can search the resources by using the categories we’ve identified as “quick search” terms or by specifying additional search criteria in our main search bar.
Make sure to check back regularly as new resources will be added to the Clearinghouse as they become available. Users can also opt-in to receiving email notifications when new resources are added to the Clearinghouse for a given topic area. After creating a free login to the site, users have the option to opt-in to topics such as “Energy Burdens” or “Assistance Programs” that serve as our main categories on the site. By opting in, users will receive regular emails from us at TEPRI when new, vetted resources are added to the site. We hope that this functionality will be useful in receiving timely information about new publications or materials relating to energy poverty.
We aim for this tool to enable open communication about best practices, technologies, and unique energy services for low-income communities. This in turn will inform decision-making and move energy stakeholders to action, inspiring further research and progress.
Download a copy of the press release here.
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